
Selling a house

When is the Best Time of Year to Sell Your House?

There are many factors to consider when selling a property and one that is often overlooked is choosing the right time of year. You might think that houses are selling all year round and you’d be right to a certain extent. However, as one of the leading providers of home removals in Leicester, we can tell you that house sales

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Keeping your property secure during a house move

Keeping your property secure during a house move

Moving Day can be a hectic time for anybody. You’re trying to synch up your last minute packing with getting your belongings loaded onto the removal truck. People are in and out of your house. Neighbours and other locals are coming to say farewell, or just to have a good nose at what’s going on. You may have pets or

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Moving house with a child

5 top tips for moving house with small children

Moving house with young children can be difficult. Whether they’re upset about leaving their old home or excited about moving to their new one (or a mixture of both) emotions can be high. Being so small, they already feel that the wider world is something outside of their control and they have no say even in something as life-changing as

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Moving boxes

Disposing of Packaging After a House Move

Average house removals in Leicester utilises between 60 and 100 boxes of various sizes for packaging purposes. Even if you break them down and fold them up, that’s a lot of space taken up by cardboard boxes you don’t need any more. In this article, we take a look at some ways to dispose of your packing materials, to create more room

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Helping the elderly with a house move

Helping the elderly with a house move

No matter how old you are, moving house can be a trying time, but possibly more so if you’re an older person. It’s not as easy to haul items into boxes and crates, there’s a lot of accumulated belongings – both physical and emotional – tied up in the home, and so much admin involved with any change of address.

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Moving house with a child

Preparing Children for a House Move

Moving to a new house with your family can be a hectic and stressful time, with plenty of packing, planning, and significant changes for both you and your children. Your kids will need extra attention and time before they can transition to your new home without any issues and to help you prepare your children for a house move, here

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Moving house

Top Tips for Moving into a New House

Now that your removal company has helped you move your belongings and get you settled in your new home, it’s finally time to start sorting out your items and unpacking. Organising your moving boxes to unpack in the most time efficient manner requires proper management beforehand. Transitioning into a new home is stressful enough. Things to arrange include setting up

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Moving boxes

Importance of Recycling and Reusing Packaging

Packaging is a necessary part of everyday life and economy, whether from the parcels you’ve received from an online order or boxes that we use before moving. It protects products and belongings. It preserves them and prevents damage during transit. However, the packaging is often viewed as waste, and in most cases, it usually ends up this way too. In

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Dog in a cardboard box

Dismantling and Rebuilding Furniture

The process of dismantling and rebuilding requires hard labour and effort. It’s undoubtedly stressful and time-consuming when you have to move houses or offices at the same time. Most of us picture moving out as a simple task. We tend to think that we can finish in a few hours, but the results don’t often alight with our expectations in

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Some of our clients

Leicester City Football Club logo
Leicester Tigers logo
Leicestershire County Council logo
Leicester City Council logo

Contact details:

We adhere to the CTSI approved BAR Code of Practice

Memb No: A108

Dispute Resolution:

We adhere to the British Association of Removers Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme which is independently operated by The Furniture & Home Improvement Ombudsman

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